Steam Clean or Dry Clean Carpets in Bad Weather
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by Jason Neale
In bad weather, some people put of having their carpets steam cleaned. But this isn’t a problem with Best 1 Cleaning as we can get the carpets dry super-fast so you’re not walking around on wet soggy carpets for days. The alternative is to have a carpet dry cleaning Brisbane done. The benefit of this type of clean is that it is walk on dry. Each cleaning system has it’s good and bad points, but the main thing to remember if they are done by a company that understands each cleaning system and knows when to use them they will all work very well.
Walk On Dry
Carpet dry cleaning uses chemistry to clean the carpet fibres. Using the correct cleaning solutions is the main thing to get right when doing this type of clean. Many companies do dry cleaning in commercial buildings, but it is fast becoming popular with home owners also. This is because of bad experiences with steam cleaning. This can only be put down to poor workmanship because if either cleaning system is done correctly, they will give the desired effects.
The weather shouldn’t make any difference to the drying time of carpets. When doing a steam clean, the machine should thoroughly extract the water used to do the cleaning. When carpets are left to wet it’s mainly because of poorly maintained machines. As with all trades, it’s important to keep services on machines up to date or things will eventually go wrong.
Checking Freshly Cleaned Carpets
What should a carpet look like after they been cleaned? How can you to tell if they are drying properly or if they are too wet? The first thing to do is just place one foot onto the carpet. If it is squelchy, then the carpets have been left way to wet and you will need to contact the cleaning company immediately to fix the problem. To see whether the carpet is drying ok, just run the back of your hand over the surface; it shouldn’t be too wet and the general appearance should have even wand strokes throughout the carpet. This will show that all of the cleared areas have been successfully cleaned.
Specialised Stain Removal
Some permanent marks may not come out completely. It will depend on what type of stain it is and the type of carpet it is in, and also how long the stain has been there for. If a stain has set and become permanent, then a specialist stain removal solution will have to used and, in some cases, even a dye used to discolour the mark. With dyes, it will not always completely remove the mark but it should make it less obvious to the naked eye.
With marks or stains on carpets, it’s important to get it seen to asap by a carpet cleaning company that has experience in removing all different types of stains. This will ensure the best end results and the cleaner can also give good advice as to what to do next time a spill occurs in the home. Most marks in carpets are made worse by the owners or the tenants if in a rental. The reason for this is they try to remove the mark themselves with a cleaning solution found in the shops. These products can be good but knowing whether to use them with hot or cold water is a key part of removing the stain successfully. Read the instructions before attempting and type of DIY stain treatment.
With urine stains or vomit, they have to be treated by a carpet cleaner in order to successfully remove the bacteria. With stains like these, they will also need to be extracted from the carpet so the use of a carpet cleaning machine is needed. Some may have a home vacuum cleaner that does wet and dry cleaning and this would be fine, but remember not to over wet the area as this can also cause damage to the carpet. It pays in the long run to hire the services of a professional carpet cleaner Ipswich to totally remove stubborn stains and odours such as cat and dog urine.
Carpet Cleaning for Tenants
If you’re a tenant vacating a rental at the end of lease and need to have the carpets cleaned, then using a professional carpet cleaning Sunshine Coast company is the best way to ensure your bond is returned in full. With most tenants, the carpet will have some stains on them and the property manager will want them to be removed or at very least faded to a point where they don’t stand out like a sore thumb. It is important to use a company that the local real estate companies trust in order to have a trouble free exit clean done. The last thing you want is to have a dispute with the property manager over a stain. Using a reliable and reputable company is the key to having your bond returned safely and quickly when exiting a rental property.
Most tenants overlook the importance of a professional carpet clean when moving out of a rental property after their lease has expired. The property managers want top cleans done for both exit cleans and carpet cleans so that the new tenants can easily move in without any issues. It’s important to remember always use a professional that offer a guarantee on all work carried out.