Pest Control Tip
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We go to lots of pest control jobs during the week as you would expect, but there’s one thing I notice more and more often. Customers are leaving their pets food out all day long. This is a bad thing if you are trying to rid your home of cockroaches, ants, rodents, as this is a free meal for them.
Pests of any kind are great scavengers and will always take the easy route to get to food. So if your leaving dog or cat food down in bowls for your pets all day, this is just an open invitation for free food.
Tip: The best way to feed your pet cat or dog is to try and get into the habit of feeding them just once a day. This means you put the food down at a certain time each day and leave it there for about an hour.
Using this approach will take about a week for your pets to get used to the idea of dinner time being at a certain time of day, but when it clicks with them you will find that all their food will be gone within a few minutes.
By leaving food out all day, all you are doing is making your pets fat and lazy and costing you more money in pet food, as we have a tendency to throw out any remaining food that hasn’t been eaten.
Living here in Brisbane, we will always have a problem with pests and your home will need a 12 monthly pest control treatment to help keep your home pest free, but you can help by just following our tip above.
By leaving food out you are inviting pests into your home, as they will try to nest as close to a good food source as possible.
Rodents like rats and mice will find their way into roof voids or under a concrete slabs and will start to build a nest if they know there is a good source of easy to reach food. These pests are a lot smarter than you think, so don’t give them any help.
Cockroaches will nest in behind your kitchen cupboards or in and around appliances such as fridges and microwaves.
Once cockroaches get established and an infestation has occurred, it can be a big job to rid them from your home. Once they have been eradicated, you will then need to remove all pots and pans from the cupboards and give the cupboards a good clean out to ensure all eggs and dropping have been removed.
So the best way to deal with all pests is – “prevention is better than cure”
- Cockroaches in Cupboard
- Cockroaches, Ants and Rodents love dog food also.