Getting a Successful Pest Control Treatment Done
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Having a pest control service done in a house is different to having one done in a unit. This is because the wall cavities separating the units can act like a highway for rodents and pests. A problem with pests such as cockroaches in a house can be easily eradicated, but a unit may need more to be done to bring a problem under control.
Pest Control in High-Rise Units
Doing a pests control in a high-rise unit complex brings its own problems for a pest control company. This is because each unit may have a difference in the standards of hygiene, and the most important aspect for getting rid of any types of pest is cleanliness. I can’t emphasise enough about how important it is to keep your home or unit clean and tidy.
Pest Control in the Subtropics
Living here in the subtropics and working throughout Brisbane, Ipswich, Gold and Sunshine Coast means we get just about every pests known to man that wants to make your home theirs. But together with a professional pest control service, you can make your home pest free.
When a pest treatment is done inside a unit, every area needs to be effectively treated. This will at least prevent pests from a neighbouring unit wanting to make your unit home. So it’s important to use a qualified pest control company that understands the difference in different building structures.
Pests of any kind will always choose the easy meal option, so keeping your bench tops clean and tidy is always going to help in the prevention of scavenging pests such as cockroaches.
Target Nests and other Areas
To have a successful treatment done that will last for approximately twelve months, it’s important that all areas where pests may harbour are treated with either liquid or powder pesticides. Choosing the right products to use is also an important aspect of a successful treatment.
A professional pest controller would firstly have a good look around the property before starting a treatment. This allows them to gain some idea of where pests may be entering from, and then these areas can be treated with the appropriate products.
Main areas to treat when doing a pest service are under appliances like fridges, microwaves etc, and also cupboard hinges. These areas can have either a gel or powder applied, and in some cases even both done at the same time.
Skirting boards and kick boards have a liquid spray applied to them. This will dry clear so when pests run over the surface the product is ingested into their system. Products used in the pest industry these days will have a residual life span of approximately twelve months.
The effectiveness of any pest treatment will greatly depend on how thorough a job has been done by the technician, and also to what ratio the products have been mixed to. Different pests will require a different mix rate, so a full understanding of the product being used by the technician is also very important for a successful outcome.
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