Getting Rid of Pests from the Home and Office
Pests in and around our homes and commercial premises in the summer months can become a problem if not treated early enough and in the correct manner. Hiring a professional pest management team to eradicate your pest problem will ensure you and your family can have a pest free home during the breeding season for pests.
Preparing for Pests During the Hotter Months
Summer is the time of year when all pests from cockroaches, silverfish, ants, spiders, fleas, bedbugs and rats are all on the move. They are looking for places to harbour and breed. Having your home or office sprayed by a reputable pest control company will ensure those creepy crawlies won’t want to make your home their home.
There are a number of ways to treat pests, but the pesticides need to be applied to areas where pests frequent. This needs the knowledge of an experienced pest control technician, one that understands the feeding habits and life cycles of all the different pests we have here in Australia.
General Pest Treatment
With a general pest treatment, all the skirting boards and kick boards around the property will be sprayed with an environmentally friendly pesticide. This leaves what is called a residual. It’s the residual that will help to kill any unwanted pests. Pests such as cockroaches will run over the residual product. It is then slowly ingested into its system and will then start to take effect.
Along with liquid sprays, other products such as Gels and dusts can also be used to eliminate pests. The Gels are generally placed in kitchens on cupboard hinges and will last for 12 months. The cockroaches will lick the Gel and the product is ingested into its system. With dusts, these products are applied to areas under appliances such as dishwashers, fridges and microwaves. It’s important not to put too much dust down as pests will just walk around this area. It needs to be a light covering so when pests run over the treated area the product is once again ingested into the system and will then slowly take effect.
Not only is it important to apply the various products into the correct places, but it’s just as important to mix the products to the correct levels, or they may not have the desired effects. All this comes down to experience. Once you have an understanding of how the many different pests live and feed, it makes getting rid of them a lot easier.
Working with a Quality Pest Control Technician
With a quality pest control service, the technician doing the job should explain exactly what they are going to do before starting any pest eradication service. It’s important that the pest controller asks the customer what they are having problems with and in what areas. This will enable the technician to build-up a picture of the job and ensure they use the correct products and apply them in the correct manner.
A thorough inspection of the property first is very important also. This will make any problem area stand out to a well-trained pest control technician. If there are any areas of concern with hygiene, it’s important that the customer is told so that the problem can be solved. No matter how many times a home or office is sprayed, it won’t make a difference unless there is some level of cleanliness and hygiene.