Getting Rid of Fleas
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Advice and facts about fleas.
Fleas are a royal pain in the neck to anyone that has had them, as they are prolific breeders and a lot smarter than we give them credit for.
Fleas undergo what is called a complete metamorphosis. In layman terms, it means there are 4 stages in the development into an adult flea. Understanding this transformation and the harbouring habits of the flea will give an upper hand when it comes to dealing with them.
Here is a picture of the life cycle of the flea.
Flea Life Cycle.
The Pupa stage can lay dormant in carpets, cracks in wooden floor boards, cracks in concrete slabs or even in the grass and dirt in a garden for long periods of time. It stays protected by a silken cocoon made at the larvae stage.
The final stage of the flea cycle will only occur when the conditions are right. The right conditions are air temperature and ensuring there is a blood meal available. In most cases, the blood meal are the family pets and, in many cases, the residents of the home.
To treat these pests is not just as simple as spraying a pesticide around and hoping they all die. With many flea infestations, it is usual for a treatment to have to be done twice, so it pays to hire a pest control company that offers a full warranty until the problem is gone.
Many try to use flea bombs purchased from the shop, and these products can work in some cases, but not all the time. This is when you need a professional pest control company to help resolve the problem. Flea bombs are also very messy as the product ends up all over personal belongings and furniture. This can also be a health hazard as you and your family are coming into direct contact with the product.
In most circumstances where a flea infestation has occurred, there are also household pets such as cats and dogs.
Pets need to be treated at the same time as the pest treatment is to be done. By this we mean they need to be washed in a good quality flea and tick shampoo and also need to be on a monthly flea treatment.
The product we see that has the best results is “advantage” or you can use “advantix.” This one also does ticks at the same time. These products need to be applied every two weeks during the hotter months and every month during the cooler months.
Treating your pets is one of the most important aspects of eradicating fleas from your home and it can’t be overstated. If the treatments aren’t kept up to date, then you are fighting a losing battle.
When you hire a pest controller to help with the management of fleas, it’s a two way street. Customers need to take notice of what their licenced pest technician is saying. This way the flea problem will be quickly resolved.
Some facts about fleas:
- Insect that belongs to Order Siphonaptera.
- 2380 species know world-wide.
- About 80 species represented in Australia.
- Adult flea size (1.5 – 4.0 mm long).
- Female lays 4-8 eggs after each blood meal.
- Over a female fleas life time she may lay over seven hundred eggs.
- Eggs hatch in 2-14 days
- Larvae feed on organic materials such as human skin scales.
- The entire life cycle can take 18 days or up to a year depending on conditions.
- Adult male and female fleas can live between 100-500 days.
If you need help getting rid of fleas in or around your home, call Best 1 pest control services on 1800 187 561. We offer free and sound advice in all aspects of pest management.