Dust in your Carpets & Upholstery from the Environment
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Here at Best 1 Cleaning and Pest Control, we do a lot of driving during the week, as we go from one customer to the next through all the different suburbs in and around Brisbane and the Gold and Sunshine Coasts.
One thing keeps coming up with our customers – how dirty their carpets and upholstery seem to be getting over the last few years.
I put this down to the amount of building work going on throughout Brisbane and the Gold and Sunshine Coasts. The large amount of construction that is going on at the moment is creating a lot of dust and pollutants in the air, and these are making their way into our homes and offices.
This can cause a more than normal discolouration of carpets and upholstery, resulting in the need for more frequent cleanings and for better equipment; such as our Truck Mounted carpet cleaning machines.
The dust particulates that are in the air from all this construction can be left not only on your valuable carpets and upholstery but also on other items throughout the house.
Even the construction of road systems that is going on at the moment can cause dust problems for homeowners. Both in extra cleaning and in increased pest activity. The pests that come into our homes are having their external environment constantly disturbed at the moment, so an increase in pest intrusion and related problems are also a concern.
Steam Clean to Remove Dust from Carpets and Upholstery
A professional steam clean of carpets and upholstery is a great way to keep your families health in shape, as this sort of cleaning process removes all of the dust and bacteria that collect over time on the carpets and upholstery.
The dust and dirt of everyday life can also get ground into tiles and down deep into grout lines. So a regular steam clean of tiles and grout can do wonders for their cleanliness and appearance.
By having your carpets and upholstery steam cleaned every 6-12 months, you will also ensure a much better environment for all the members of your family, especially those who may suffer from asthma or other dust related allergies.
Expert Advice on Keeping the Dust Out
One thing you can do to help prevent some of the dust and dirt from getting into your home is to close the doors and windows when there are road works or building construction going on near your home. Keep them closed all the time when heavy machinery is generating dust. This will help to protect your valuable furnishings.