Cockroaches as a Pest
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Cockroaches are mainly tropical and subtropical. Cockroaches are found in and around the buildings of Brisbane and Ipswich, in residential and commercial situations. Some of the species, with the aid of commerce have spread worldwide, infesting buildings for food and shelter. Many of these environments provide warmth food and shelter all year round. This can support thousands of cockroaches.
Cockroaches will eat all manner of stored foods and other materials. They can contaminate foods and food handling areas with droppings, regurgitation marks and odours caused by abdominal secretions. A professional pest control company would be able to tell what species of cockroach is present and the best way in which to deal with it.
Why Cockroaches are Considered Pests?
Cockroaches are insects and have existed for over 300 million years. There are over 3500 species of cockroach; about 10 species have become a pest to the dwellings of humans. Those that have exploited human dwellings are very successful scavengers and are considered serious pests to the humans they cohabit with. One of The main reasons of concern is the role they play in the transmission of diseases. When having a pest treatment done it is important to choose a pest control company that understands all habits and effective treatments for cockroaches.
Cockroaches can contaminate food products, utensils and different areas with droppings, cast skins, empty egg cases, and dead cockroaches and vomit marks on surfaces.
Many people are scared of cockroaches. This is probably due to the speed that they can move and the places they are found and their appearance.
Where there has been a substantial infestation of cockroaches found, there can be an unpleasant odour, this is due to the secretions from the mouth and cuticle.
Allergic reactions
Some people can be allergic to cockroaches. Resulting in skin reactions and can even cause asthma attacks in asthmatics. Allergic reactions can come about with foods being contaminated with the faeces, or inhaled when dried faeces becomes part of household dust.
Cockroaches have been known to bite, but this is rare.
Disease transmission
There are different factors pointing to the likelihood that cockroaches play an important role in the transmission of disease;
They can thrive in environments that support the growth of disease organisms like sewers, grease traps and other sources of polluted water.
Those cockroaches can then come in contact with different surfaces in and around the house such as kitchens and food processing or handling facilities.
Cockroaches carry disease organisms that can affect humans. One cockroach can carry several million disease types or pathogenic bacteria on and inside its body. Salmonella is just one of the many known diseases that cockroaches are known to carry. They have been known to carry organisms that cause tuberculosis, typhoid fever, gastroenteritis and dysentery.
The health implications posed by cockroach populations that cohabit with humans is considered to be very serious. Cockroaches are responsible for many transmissions of human diseases.
Management of Cockroaches In and Around Buildings:
What is the best way of managing a cockroach infestation? A thorough inspection of the building(s) and high standards of sanitation and hygiene will reduce the food, water and shelter that facilitate population growth. In some cases, it could need a follow up inspection and monitoring by a pest control company where a treatment has been carried out.
The use of a combination of chemical and non-chemical methods requires the co-operation of those in charge of the building. A reinfestation after a treatment of a bad infestation is very real. A reinfestation may occur from the hatching of egg cases that were present during the treatment but not affected by the insecticide. Reinfestation can also occur from areas adjoining the building such as in apartment blocks, high rise residential and commercial buildings like in the Gold and Sunshine Coasts can end up with an infestation very quickly if not treated in the correct manner.
If possible, a treatment in a large area should deal with all sites of possible infestation in the one treatment. It is important to do an initial and extensive inspection of the areas of concern. When engaging a pest control company to treat a potential cockroach problem, it is important to follow the advice of the pest control technician.