Effective Rug Cleaning
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Rug cleaning is something best left to a professional rug cleaning company. There are so many different types of rugs these days – from synthetic rugs to oriental rugs, woolen rugs and Persian rugs.
Having an understanding of the type of rug to be cleaned will determine the outcome. Some rugs can be cleaned on site at the customer’s premises, but some delicate rugs are best taken to a professional cleaning facility to be cleaned. Rugs can be steam cleaned or dry cleaned. The method will depend on the type of material the rug is made from. A professional rug cleaning company would be able to advise of the best method to use.
Onsite Rug Cleaning
When onsite rug cleaning is performed, it’s best not to over wet the rug as this can cause mould to form. It is also best not to wet the backing of the rug as this can remain wet for some time, as there is no air between the backing of the rug and the floor it sits on. An inexperienced cleaner can unintentionally over wet the backing of a rug and not even realise it. This is where knowing what pressures to run a rug cleaning machine at is very important. If the pressure is set to high, it will defiantly wet the backing of the rug and cause problems such as bad smells or water marks.
Persian Rug
When a delicate rug such as a Persian is taken away for cleaning, it is cleaned in a special bath designed to thoroughly clean the rug fibres and backing. It is then left in a drying room to dry before being returned to the customer. This is the safest way to clean delicate rugs that can cost a lot of money. A professional will ensure no damage is caused.
During the cleaning process, the rugs are also deodorised and sanitised. This can be done by injecting the solution through the steam at the same time as cleaning, or can be applied after the cleaning with a low pressure spraying system. It is important to deodorise and sanitise to kill the bacteria and germs that build up over time in the fabric.
Application of Fabric Protection
After a rug has been cleaned, they can also have a protection applied to help prevent stains. Fabric protections have to be applied after the cleaning process to gain the full advantage of the product. Most of these products are water based these days, and the surface of the material it is being applied to need to be damp for the application to be effective.
If rugs are cleaned regularly by a professional rug cleaning company, it can prolong the life of the fabric, saving money on costly repairs or new purchases. A professional cleaning company would also be able to give advice on the best way to remove spot stains, drastically reducing the risk of permanent marks.